Braid’s International Boxart

Jonathan Blow’s inventive puzzle-platformer / passive-aggressive sexist tripe / thought-provoking treatise on the creation of the atomic bomb / weepy LiveJournal post Braid is back in the news again, thanks to its inclusion in this year’s Humble Indie Bundle charity drive.

Braid, along with Machinarium, Osmos, and some other games that you’ll never play because they’re not on Steam, can be yours for whatever price you think is fair. Be aware, however, that your digital purchase does not include any cover art. In Braid’s case, this is a real shame.

Japan got the best end of the deal. It’s official art that hints at the game’s central mechanic, and it manages to be intriguing without being too literal. Psh. Whatever, Japan.

Europe’s box art, on the other hand, is top-to-bottom hilarious. It’s hard to pick the single funniest part. Maybe it’s the jovial exclamation mark! Maybe it’s the way it claims to have received an unprecedented 9.5 out of 10 stars (count them) from Gamespot, yet gets a standard numerical grade from Eurogamer.

Or maybe it’s because the character art just makes me think of this:

Oh, and then there’s the Russian cover art.

Seriously, though, if you can afford it, please donate to charity during this holiday season, either through the Humble Indie Bundle or elsewhere.

Do it.

5 Responses to “Braid’s International Boxart”

  1. Bridgeportcat Says:

    Pretty much everyone on my giftlist got the humble bundle.


    Also christ that Russian Box art. He’s staring RIGHT INTO MY BRAIN

  2. Tweets that mention Dream and Friends» Blog Archive » Braid’s International Boxart -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Simon Carless, Danny Cowan and Infinite Ammo, Aubrey Serr. Aubrey Serr said: RT @sardoose: Dream and Friends: Braid's International Boxart. […]

  3. Kris Says:

    The Russian box art may be the best thing I’ve ever seen.

  4. fluffy Says:

    The Japanese box art is also what Magnatune uses for their cover art for the soundtrack, which is a worthwhile purchase. That actually led me to get a Magnatune download subscription, which has ended up being a great source of music.

  5. Xkeeper Says:


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